Anaemia/Anemia is a deficiency in the number or quality of red blood cells in your body. Red blood cells carry oxygen around your body using a particular protein called haemoglobin. Anaemia means that either the level of red blood cells or the level of haemoglobin is lower than normal.
Anaemia is defined as a deficiency of total red blood cell oxygen capacity. Blood with this deficiency is impaired in its ability to deliver adequate oxygen to the body’s tissues. Many common anemias are the result of a reduction in red blood cell size, a decrease in the production of new red blood cells, or an increase in the destruction of existing red blood cells. Microcytic anemia, or anemia due to smaller sized red blood cells, is caused by conditions that impair hemoglobin production. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of such an impairment. Decreased production of new red blood cells, and consequential low red blood cell numbers, is usually related to problems with the bone marrow. Among other things, these problems can be caused by deficiencies in B vitamins, viral infections, autoimmune disorders, or abnormally low EPO hormone levels. Hemolytic anemia, or excessive destruction of red blood cells, can be caused by autoimmune attack against red blood cells, infections, or physical damage to red blood cells. Overactive spleen activity can also lead to this kind of anemia.
- Insufficient intake of iron or copper
- Insufficient intake of B9 (folate) or B12
- Infections e.g.: HIV, parvovirus B19, malaria
- Lead exposure, especially as a child
- Liver disease
- Alcoholism
- Cancer
- Inherited disorders e.g.: Sickle-cell anemia, G6PD deficiency, alpha or beta thalassemia, orotic aciduria, fanconi anemia, diamond- blackfan anemia
- Chemotherapeutic drugs
- Pregnancy
- Blood loss
- Any chronic disease or inflammatory state
NOTE: Even though food supplements works sometimes better than medicines, please do not try to me medical practitioners and consult with your family doctor before using.